Ok not really our first family photoshoot but yes outside of our wedding photos.
It all started with 2 little blue lace dresses.
I have always made a point to be sure I am raising grateful children & since they received such an outpouring of love and gifts before their arrival; this translates into me ensuring that they get at least one wear out of all of the FABulous things in their closet. These F.A.B.ulous little dresses came as a gift from grandma and I wanted to showcase them in a way that would make her swoon at her son & his girls in navy blue!

Mommy's Attire
As I began planning the family coordination I originally thought I would be in pants and this would be a casual shoot. What was I thinking? Although I ordered several pairs of navy blue bottoms on Amazon, I am so glad I ended up landing on this fitted navy blue gown that still gave enough of the causal vibes I originally wanted but waay more FABulously.
Daddy's Attire
Yep you guessed it! Also from Amazon. Quite frankly Amazon is my go to when it comes to almost everything these days. [It all started when I was preggo with the twins, so I tell myself].
I came across this men's top by searching for a "navy blue men's dress shirt" & found the perfect shirt for daddy to tie it all in.
The Head Bands
I originally planned to order these from Etsy, but quickly began to run out of time as I decided "I can do this myself" & quickly made a trip to Hobby Lobby to purchase the materials (I saved at least 30 or more dollars doing these my self). As soon as I saw the bright oranges and fall colors I knew warm tones would be the perfect accent!

The Finished Result:

Stay FABulous!